Google Maps 2013-05-24T20:57:55+00:00

Google Map Shortcode

Avada has integration for Google Maps. We have a dedicated contact page template with map integration that allows you to set many different map options via our theme options panel. In addition, we have a google map shortcode that can be used on any page or post, or widget section. We include intuitive options that allow you to use the default google map styles, or customize the options to fit your branding style. Avada also lets you select multiple map locations on a single map, each with its own content. Select 4 map types, display a color overlay, upload a custom map marker, customize the map popup box along with many other unique options.

4 Different Google Map Types

Make your website interesting by choosing between 4 Google Map designs: Google Map Roadmap, Google Map Satellite, Google Map Hybrid, or Google Map Terrain.

Google Map Roadmap

Google Map Satellite

Google Map Hybrid

Google Map Terrain

Customization Settings

Easily customize map styles, info box colors, and content! Not only do we offer Google Map’s default styles, but Avada has also included a Theme Map Style that’s unique to Avada, and a totally customizable map style called Custom Map Styling!

Default Google Styling

The default map style gives you the exact styling that comes from Google Maps. This includes all the map coloring, the info box styles and map marker. This is the classic Google Maps styling!

Theme Map Styling

We have added a custom theme styling that is unique to the Avada theme. When using this styling, the map color overlay, map marker and info box will be automatically set with our unique settings!

Custom Map Styling

The custom map style allows you to use any uploaded image or icon as a custom map marker. As well as any overlay color, infobox background and text color. This is perfect for branding your site!

Full Size Control

The Google Maps shortcode and theme option integration allows you to take full control over the width and height of the map. Use fixed widths or percentages. This comes in handy when placing maps on pages that need to fit perfectly in unique layouts.

Powerful Map Controls

Avada allows you to control several aspects of the map. Set the zoom level on the map, show or hide the map scale, allow the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out or to be disabled when used, show or hide the pan control icon and choose to show or hide hte map popup when the page loads. Amazing options at your fingertips, super powerful!

Complete Set of Options

Every option and description included with the Google Map shortcode is listed below.

  • address – Your physical address. To have multiple map markers, separate two addresses with a vertical line. For example, 579 Allen Road Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 | Mount Arlington, NJ 07856.
  • type – Can be one of these values: roadmap, terrain, hybrid, or satellite. Sets the type of Google Map to display.
  • map_style – Can be one of these values: default, theme, or custom. Choose custom to use advanced color options.
  • overlay_colorCustom setting only. Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ) or RGBA values ( rgba(0,0,0,0) ). Sets the overlaying color for the map. Works best with the roadmap type. Leave Blank for Theme Option selection.
  • infoboxCustom setting only. Can be one of these values: default, or custom. Choose custom to use advanced options.
  • infobox_background_colorCustom setting only. Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the infobox’s background color. Leave Blank for Theme Option selection.
  • infobox_text_colorCustom setting only. Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the infobox’s text color. Leave Blank for Theme Option selection.
  • infobox_contentCustom setting only. Type in custom info box content to replace address string. For multiple addresses, separate info box content with a vertical line. For example, InfoBox 1|InfoBox 2|InfoBox 3.
  • iconCustom setting only. Type in full image URLs for custom marker icons, or input theme for our custom marker. For multiple addresses, separate icons with the vertical line. For example, Icon 1|Icon 2|Icon 3.
  • width – Accepts a pixel or a percentage value. For example 25px, or 50%. Sets the map’s width.
  • height – Accepts a pixel or a percentage value. For example 25px, or 50%. Sets the map’s height.
  • zoom – Accepts a numerical value that represents the map zoom level. The higher the number, the more it will zoom in.
  • scrollwheel – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will enable or disable the mouse scrolling.
  • scale – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will show or hide the scale graphic.
  • zoom_pancontrol – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will show or hide the zoom controls.
  • popup – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will show or hide the map popup graphic. If set to no, then the popup will show on click.
  • class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
  • id – Add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.

Join The 100,000+ Satisfied Avada Users!


Captamos clientes para tu centro.

Está demostrado y más en estos tiempos que corren, que una buena presencia en internet es la mejor y más barata forma de captar nuevos clientes.

Por esta razón es importante tener una página web actualizada, que nos permita anunciar nuestro centro, nuestras ofertas y nuestros servicios.

Estar disponibles en los resultados de búsquedas de Google en el móvil, en el ordenador o en el portátil y las tablets nos garantiza que un cliente nuevo, nos encuentre, y le damos la oportunidad de probarnos, o interesarse por nuestros productos o servicios.

Fidelizamos a tus clientes

Fidelizar y cuidar las relaciones con tus clientes es una parte crucial del mantenimiento y crecimiento de tu negocio. En esta era de la informática, los móviles, Facebook, tablets y todos los dispositivos que hay hoy en día, hacen que el cuidado y mimo de los clientes sea de vital importancia.

En cualquier momento un cliente descontento puede compartir su opinión en las redes sociales e internet y afectar negativamente la reputación de tu negocio. Es por ello que hay que crear la mejor de las experiencias para nuestros clientes y nosotros te ayudamos a conseguirlo, desarrollando una relación de compañía con ellos. Ellos son nuestros comerciales en la red y en la calle.

Te ayudamos a conseguirlo.

Llámanos o escríbenos. Estaremos encantados de charlar contigo y mostrarte como sacarle un mayor rendimiento a tu negocio.

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